Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Night Skiing

Unlike our friends and family to the south, those of us in the north are praying for a good dumping of snow to support our recreational activities in the winter. Thankfully there are Nordic and Alpine centers that make snow.  Lucky for those of us who work during the day it happens to be their night skiing trails they make it on.  There is nothing better then night skiing on a moonlit night. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Trapp Family Lodge

I have heard about how amazing Trapp Family Lodge is for cross-country skiing.  I have also heard that there is this really cool cabin that is 3 miles in the woods where you can get soup, sandwiches and hot chocolate.  I have been dying to go, and just have not made it yet. 

This year we purchased a family pass for one of our local Nordic centers.  The cool thing about Vermont is that there is a reciprocal program where you can ski one time for free at a bunch of other Nordic centers.  Since our side of the Green Mountains is a little lacking on the snow side, it was time to make the trip.

We went in with the ultimate plan of making it to the cabin, but with a bailout plan of skiing to the deli (a half mile from the Nordic center).  The first half off the journey was smooth sailing on green trails (the easier ones) and it was wonderful, until we hit out first blue trail.  Straight up the mountain.  My freind and I are not huge fans of big down hills (Little Man loves them). As we started the trek up the hill we knew we could make it to the top without much of a problem.  It was the trip back down we were not looking forward to.  We bailed half way up and headed to the deli for lunch.  We did find out later that it became rolling hills a little after the section we were on.  Oh well, we still got in an awesome 4 miles of skiing on wonderful trails for the day.  The deli was also pretty good, so no major loss.  Maybe next time we will actually make it to the cabin.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Homeless Bags

This past summer while in Boston with some friends, Levi and his friend shared some granola bars with a homeless man.  It made an impact and I decided that we were going to make a few homeless bags to have on hand.  That way if the situation arose we would have them on hand. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Winter Trail Running

At the end of last winter a friend got me into winter trail running.  Prior to this, winter was the time I retreated from the woods and onto the roads and sidewalks.  I found that it was so much more enjoyable in the woods and have been waiting for the snow to fall.  I found that often the footing was actually better than the slick sidewalks and roads, the views were spectacular, and it was warmer in the woods where the trees provide shelter for the wind. It just made winter running so much better.

 And every now and then, a walk in the woods with this guys turns into a trail run. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Two Down!

A week into the new year, and I already have two of my tasks completed (no wine passports or any lists of that type this year). Most of this years tasks are strictly, do this, go there, and check it off the list(most of them). I am anticipating less items left undone this year.

My first task of the year: go to Citizens Cider in Burlington, VT. Every year my group of running friends makes a plan to run and then go there for dinner.  Every year something happens and we never make it.  This year we went and made our very ambitious running plan for the year.  The food was good and I was able to try a few of their ciders (I did a flight) that are not normally on tap other places.  It was nice.  

Next, I checked off a new restaurant.  I have been wanting to try Asian Bistro in Williston, VT.  I heard  that it is pretty good.  I even almost convinced Little Man to try frog, but he chickened out at the last minute and went for the Pu Pu Platter lunch special while Andy and I had sushi and mock eel.  It was pretty good. Maybe I'll take Little Man back another time for frog.

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year-First Run

Now that all my bibs for 2015 are off the door, it is time to start all over again.  What better way to ring in the New Year than run a 5k with my husband and some friends.