Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hard vs. Fast

My September and October races were a week apart.  One was a 10K in Vermont, the other a half marathon in New Hampshire.  The first was a hilly, windy course by a beautiful lake that started and ended in a vineyard I love.  The second, a fast and flat course that was mostly in the boardwalk area at the beach.  The first one was a decent, but not my fastest, 10k time. The second was my personal best for a half marathon.  I will do the first one again and loved every minute. I probably will not do the second one again.  I prefer a race in which I have to grind it out to a race that I may run my fastest time on, but  find myself longing for some change in the grade.  

One fun fact: The first metal was a wine bottle stopper, the second was a bottle opener.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on completing two more races. The scenery sounds nice; the running not so much. I am glad to see that the promoters give awards knowing what runners must be hoping for - a quick way to get to some alcohol! ;-)
