Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wine Passport

I am starting to think my mom is a bad influence.  She has gotten way into this whole wine passport thing.  Mother's Day weekend she came over and we went to two wineries (reasonable).  She was at our house two weeks ago for three days, and in that time we went to five wineries.  Needless to say, I only have three wineries left to go before I am finished with my passport.  
Here is the run down of our grandma came to visit winery tour (I should mention that Little Man was at soccer camp for some of these).

Thursday: Lunch at the Farmhouse in Burlington (amazing local food if you ever get a chance to go).  I introduce my mother to her first hard cider.  Upon leaving the restaurant, we walk around church street and found a tasting room for Eastshore Vineyard.  I have to admit I was not overly impressed, but did find a nice summer campfire wine. 
 Thursday Evening: We head out to Snowfarm for their summer concert series.  Still one of my favorite places to be on a warm summer night.  

Friday Morning: After dropping Little Man off at camp, we head out to Boyden Valley for a wine an cheese pairing.  Very nice. 
Saturday Afternoon: We went to Shelburne Vineyards for a tasting and then off to Cahrlotte Vineyards for blueberry picking and wait, another wine tasting.  I am exhausted, but only have three vineyards left to go. 

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