Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Little Behind

It has been pointed out to me by several family members that I am a little behind on my blog.  Two months behind to be exact.  It has been busy, school started, soccer season started, I have had races and it is cross-country season.  The last thing I want to do in my free time is sit at the computer.  Since it is supposed to be a rainy week; I thought I might get back in the groove.  To start with, I guess I should cover the last two months for all those people who wonder if we have dropped off the face of the earth.
My two months of absences on the blog scene started with my annual race up Mt. Mansfield.  4.3 miles up the auto road, and I managed to complete one of my tasks for this year (beat last year's time).  I also managed to convince Andy and his brother to do the bike race!
During the time of the race we also managed to get in some family time.  Andy's family came to Vermont, and we did the tourist thing for the week leading up to the race. 
Little Man started first grade, and loves his teacher this year.
 We have managed to squeeze in some family time.  Fair with Papa.
 Pumpkin Chunkin with grandma.
 I have done a lot of traveling with my cross-country team around the Northeast.  My favorite race so far was Van Courtland Park in the Bronx.  We even had our own little homeless shelter that the moms crafted out of shower curtains for us since it was pouring that day. That on top of the fact that everyone was wearing trash bags (parents included) made for quite the sight.
 Little Man played soccer all fall and starts hockey in a week.
 He has also been inserting his own sense of style into the traditional fall pictures.  Soccer outfit and sunglasses for apple picking. 
 Moose Vest for the corn maze.  Andy later pointed out that I took him into a corn maze wearing a moose outfit during hunting season. 
As always trying new foods.  Sugar shack poutine with cheese curds, maple syrup and bacon.  They were amazing. 
 Feeding the starving children.
 Trying to enjoy every minute of a simply beautiful fall.

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