Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Task 15: Road Trip

There are so many places in Vermont that we have yet to explore; it made sense to add a road trip to my list of tasks for  2014.  The funny thing with the route I choose.  There are three major roads that we travel ALL the time that intersect the chosen route.  So here goes, our 2014 road trip through our untraveled parts of Vermont. 
To begin our journey we we took Interstate 89 to exit 3 Royalton.  As soon as we got off the Interstate we were greeted with a Vermont tourist trap.  Of course, in the spirit of road tripping, we stopped, wandered around, took pictures with the the farmer dude, grabbed a bottle of water and moved on. 
 Two months ago, when I ran a half marathon just south of our road trip route, my friend had suggested going for burgers afterwards.  We never made it to this amazing place she told me about.  It was purposely planned into this trip, and we did stop.  The Worthy Burger in South Royalton, Vermont does indeed have some of the most amazing burgers and lived up to my expectations.  The burgers are wood fired on Vermont hardwood and are amazing.  While I passed on the turducky burger, we did splurge for Parmesan truffle french fries and tried out the specialty sauces on the condiment bar.  If I run the same half marathon next year, we will stop for burgers. 
 With his belly full, Little Man crashed in the back seat and I was able to enjoy a quiet drive along the river, with classic Vermont views, from the covered bridges, red barns and views of the mountains it was a beautiful day for a drive.   
Cheating a bit, the road that intersected out path was one we do occasionally travel and I knew about the amazing ice cream shop we would be passing.  There is a little artisanal ice cream place in Glover Vermont.  Every time we have gone, the ice cream flavors have been slightly different, but always good.  Little Man choose raspberry, which tasted like frozen raspberries off the vine.  I choose Sweet Monkey; banana and caramel.  It did not sound great, but I trusted the woman who ordered before me and gave it a try.  It was wonderful. 
 With our bellies once again full we traveled through Peacham, Vermont; the most photographed town in New England.  Funny thing about Peacham, it is the next town over from where my grandparents lived and I have never been there.  While it was in fact one of the most beautiful towns I have driven through, Little Man was more interested in the boat launch there, where we spent 40 minutes trying to catch frogs.  The end of a perfect road trip. 

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