Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Martha Stewart I Am Not

Historically, I am the first mother to sign up for the apple cider on the party food list. However, this year, thanks to Pinterest making projects look so incredibly easy, I decided to try for 'cool mom' status.  See this guy below......he will be joining the party table tomorrow. 
If you can't tell, he's an owl!
 Now before you get all impressed with my artistic abilities, let me explain the process that brought about these little wonders and further confirmed that I belong with the cider moms.  Looks simple right? Chocolate cupcake, Oreo and some Reese's Pieces.  Let's begin with frosting these little buggers: using the moist chocolatey cupcake mix is not a good idea when you are going to be frosting something.  Thankfully, after a few fails, I realized that you can cover over the frosting mistakes with the Oreo cookies. 
 Next up: the Oreos, and with all of the Oreos I have eaten in my life, I should have thought of this little problem before I started.  For those of you who have never eaten an Oreo before, those perfect little frosting circle centers happen in about every other cookie you open up, that is, if you don't break the darn thing in the process.  Good thing I bought the family pack.  Andy now has bowl full of broken Oreos to eat. (Buuuuurrrrrppp!)
Finally: Reese's Pieces do not stick to Oreo cookies all that well.  Oh well, live and learn. At least this year I can pretend that I am an amazing mom when we walk in with the cupcakes that turned out OK.  

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