Monday, May 9, 2011

Gardening with Little Man

Rather than sit by and read others' blogs about gardening with their children, we are going to join up with the Inadvertant Farmer's KinderGARDEN blog roll this year. Not that we haven't gardened before, but this year it is going to be about Little Man having his own garden plot to get dirty in; not that I actually think I can keep him out of mine. Having his very own raised bed was actually his idea: when we decided to switch over to raised beds this year and he saw them being built, he decided that he wanted his own.

Actually, he also determined that certain plants were his as well as we were starting seeds this year. I can tell age three is going to be a year of independence, starting with him getting dirty in his own garden.

Of course, this is also the child who thinks the chickens are having a conversation with him and often tells me the bunny is not listening.


  1. Oh, he's the perfect age to dive right in!

  2. Hahaha, my son talks to all the animals too and if I don't talk for them he looks at me and says, "Mom so and so isn't talking to me, I need your help so we can talk." Can't wait to see what your independent cutie grows!

  3. Oh! The chicken is so cute. Great idea to give the little man his own garden.

  4. oh, he'll love it! my guy is so proud of his own little piece of land. :) looking forward to watching his garden grow!

  5. I like how deep your SF beds are, that will help a ton!
    And of course you KNOW he is right about conversing with chickens and bunnies; chickens are very attentive, they make lots of "eye" contact! Bunnies- not so much!
