Saturday, April 23, 2011

Behind the Food-Chickens

Of course, if I am going to talk about where our food comes from, there was bound to be a chicken blog. However, our chickens apparently no longer feel the need to pose for pictures anymore, and a butt view was the best that I could do.

While I love the fact that we always have fresh eggs and enough to share with our friends and family, I think the best part (by far) is what little man gets from having them. He likes checking for eggs, if we can get to them before Daddy. Thankfully, they produce a lot of eggs because we occasional have toddler casualties (dropped eggs) that end up in our compost.

Also because he has learned how to act around chickens, when we go places like Shelburne Farms, where the chickens tend to run away from the toddlers, we can look over to find our little chicken whisperer, having a full on conversation with the chickens.

Apparently he forgot to tell this one (at Shelburne Farms) that he spent the morning chasing our chickens back into the coop with a pointy garden tool so that he could leave the house (we have fox issues, the chickens have to hang out in the run when we are not in the yard with them).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yes It Is.........And Yes We Did

As we were searching for some ice cream last night in the freezer section we found this:

Instead of splurging on our regular Ben and Jerry's we brought it home with us, and it was wonderful.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Due to the insane amount of ladybugs that have made their way into our house, this was the birthday cake the boys found for me this year.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring is..........

For better or worse, Spring in New England means........

MUD!!! On the child and on the roads. It is a lot more fun on the child.

Yummy maple syrup!

Baby animals.....sadly Andy will not let me get new chicks this year.... We have too many eggs with the four we already have. I have to go visit my friends' chicks this year.

A million lady bugs in my house. I truly wish I was joking about this one, I sucked so many into the vacuum the other day that I could hear them moving around inside, it freaked me out so bad that Andy had to remove the bag from the house.

As a side note, the branch above is clippings from my cherry tree and the green is making my very happy right now......

Finally, spring means I get to start all of the plants for my garden. Every sunny window in our house has something growing in it right now.