Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Perfect Reason to Have a Child

Friday, one of my coworkers made a general comment on Christmas and having kids. He said, "We have them so we can share the excitement we got to enjoy as kids with them." After the weekend we just had I think he is right.
A theme park near where I grew up called Santa's Village decided four years ago they were going to open up on the weekends leading up to Christmas. I have to say it was a great business plan, what better time of year for a place called Santa's Village to be open? Little Man had a blast, so much so that there were a few times we were worried that there was something wrong - he just went around with this awestruck look on his face, and when you finally managed to snap him out of it, you couldn't shut him up. It was really cute. For those of you who also grew up going to Santa's Village, it it much more impressive at Christmas.
View from the monorail

The following day we took an early Christmas present from Grandma out for a spin.

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