Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chicken Update

It has been a while since we have had any chicken updates. Basically because there has not been a whole lot to update. Here are the updates we have as of right now:
They are like most of the neighborhood chickens that have been reduced to hanging out in their chicken run during the day (the exception to this rule is the house with 8 roosters - only a stupid fox would mess with that house). In our neighborhood there are 7 houses with chickens. The one day I took one out, it freaked out on me, because it knew that the fox was right there waiting for me to set it down on the ground. Thankfully, I figured it out before I set her down. The results: She stares me down every time I get near the run.
I do bring them into the garden with me since it is fenced in. When our garden was plentiful, I would only bring them out one at a time because they love tomatoes and trying to keep the chickens from eating my tomatoes and the toddler from ripping everything out of the ground was a lot of work. Since most of my vegetables have run the course of their growing season, all four now join me in the garden.
Little man spends a lot of time looking for worms to feed them. I should mention that before he realized that the chickens will eat them, he would not touch the things. Run screaming in the other direction was more like it. So is it worth it? You tell me.
Keep checking back, we should have eggs sometime in the next 4 weeks or so, depending on who you talk to.

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