Saturday, December 19, 2009


For those of you who have had the misfortune of reading my writing before, you are well aware of the fact that writing is not my forte. So you’re probably thinking,” What the heck is she doing writing a blog? -leave that to Andy, the writer in the family”. Let’s see if I can explain and maybe keep you interested long enough to at least read a few entries.

Moving back to New England and into a community where sustainability and the localvore movement are huge and having a child whom I want to grow up living in the healthiest environment I can possibly provide has helped re-shape my thinking. Or at least reminds me of the things that my grandparents instilled in me or at least tried. Sorry, Grammy, I was a bit stubborn and hard headed at times.

So why should you care at all? Quite honestly you don’t have to. This is a way for me to maintain some momentum: if I at least think people are reading, I will feel somewhat accountable and hopefully make some effort towards forward momentum. And for those of you on similar journeys, hopefully this blog will serve as encouragement. Also, you can laugh at the haphazardness of it all. Just wait; we’re getting chickens in the spring and you should see my first attempt at knitting.

I am going to try and post once a week. Although I have to admit, it being winter I have a few cheater topics that I am going to use, even though it may be something we have already begun to put into practice since we moved or Levi was born. Please enjoy and have a few laughs along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck!! And I can't wait to see Andy's blog re: the chickens :) I'm sure it will be hilarious! I learned to crochet a couple of years ago and haven't done more than a few scarves...oh well.
