Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sad Day

This past Tuesday when I went to pick up little man's cloth diapers at Bebop Baby Shop I found out that they will be closing at the end of January. You ask why is this sad? well because there is just something about little locally owned shops that you just can't get at the big box stores.

While Bebop sells several name brands like Plan and Melissa and Doug, they also sell several items from local artists and companies. Also, Kate (one of the owners) hand stitches several clothing items for sale there. In fact, one of my favorite shirts came from there (see picture below). Little man was in this shirt all the time (unfortunately it was spring and most of the time he was wearing a rain coat, so I don't have many pictures of it). In fact he received a few comments on friends blog because of the shirt.

Then there is the cloth diapering service that Bebop offers. These ladies are extremely knowledgeable in the products they sell and actually helped sell us on cloth diapering. Of course, knowing that someone else would wash the dirty diapers was their biggest selling point. While the cloth diapering service will continue though the winter, we are faced with the decision of "do we continue?" after the service has ended. If you could only share in the joy of the stench that fills the house when we pack up the diapers and ship them off to Beth, you would understand. Although, we do have friends who successfully clean their own diapers because they don't have diaper services in their area, the wimpy part of me isn't so sure. Also at the point the service will end little man should have started the long journey of potty training. Do we want to buy all the pre-fold to use for a short period of time? Please Beth, stay open..............

So it is with my saddest regret that I inform the world that one of our favorite stores is closing.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How Did We Get Here?

I guess the better question would be: how did I get away from this? Both sets of my grandparents were farmers. They raised cows, boiled down maple syrup, and worked extensive gardens. My grandmother canned and preserved vegetables and fruit and sewed and quilted. They ate fresh food, wasted very little, and in general provided an example of how to live a healthy, “green” lifestyle. A simple, happy life. I have fond memories of following my grandfather around as he worked his garden, watching Grammy sew, and bouncing around in the back of an old Jeep as we went up the hill to pick blueberries. Those were things that they needed to do in order to survive, and as such, they could be considered ‘work’, but they found satisfaction in these activities. They didn’t have the “green” mentality of today – it wasn’t thought about back then – but they lived in balance by working their land and observing the effects of their actions on that land. That makes me wonder how things have changed so much in one generation. How did I get caught up in consumerism? How did I become convinced that I had to buy so much stuff? When did I stop caring about the avalanche of things sliding out of my home as trash headed to the landfill? I guess that none of those questions matter as much as does this: How am I going to get back to what my grandparents instilled in me when I was a child tagging alongside on the farm?

To start, I needed to get out of the city. Now, I don’t want to infer that living in a city is bad. I have many friends and family members that live in cities and suburbs. A lot of them provide excellent examples of living a healthier, sane lifestyle. My mother-in-law lives in a busy suburb, and still manages to be a great encouragement towards better eating by finding fresh, healthy food. Some friends of ours know way more about cloth diapering (and its benefits to health and the environment) than we ever will, and they live just outside of Boston. The city isn’t bad. It just isn’t for me. I needed an environment that inspires me to do the things that make for a healthy, responsible life. I needed to find an area where sustainability is the culture. A place where there are more restaurants serving food from local farms than there are fast-food restaurants. A location where most of the people around us either have a garden or support local farming by getting their vegetables through a CSA. A culture that rejects widespread development, and encourages you to ride your bike to work and mandates recycling. Overall, a place where there are a lot of people who are in search of the same values that I am pursuing…so we moved to Vermont.

And then we had Little Man. There is nothing in the world that will inspire you to a healthy, sustainable lifestyle more than raising your own child. Something about being responsible for someone who can’t fend for themselves tends to make you very conscious about what you feed them, what substances they come into contact with, and how to give them the best start possible in this world. It also makes you more aware of the need to live sustainably – treating the world around us the best that we can, so that our children can enjoy the same things in nature that we enjoyed as kids. Never in my life did I imagine that I would use cloth diapers or make my own baby food. As we raise our son in Vermont, surrounded by a community that desires sustainability and healthiness, we find that there are excellent resources that help us to make healthy and safe choices. There is a local shop (BeBop Baby Shop) that provides laundering services for cloth diapers, removing the ickiness factor. When we fail in our attempts to make appetizing baby food, we find that almost every store - right down to some corner markets and country stores – carry jars of organic baby food.

Overall, being surrounded by a community of like-minded people in pursuit of health and environmentally friendly lifestyles has made it easier to make what we consider to be better choices for ourselves and Little Man. As we make decisions on how to raise him, lower our environmental impact, and step away from the consumer-driven culture that dominates our country, we find local resources that give us information and practical assistance in making the changes we want to make.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


For those of you who have had the misfortune of reading my writing before, you are well aware of the fact that writing is not my forte. So you’re probably thinking,” What the heck is she doing writing a blog? -leave that to Andy, the writer in the family”. Let’s see if I can explain and maybe keep you interested long enough to at least read a few entries.

Moving back to New England and into a community where sustainability and the localvore movement are huge and having a child whom I want to grow up living in the healthiest environment I can possibly provide has helped re-shape my thinking. Or at least reminds me of the things that my grandparents instilled in me or at least tried. Sorry, Grammy, I was a bit stubborn and hard headed at times.

So why should you care at all? Quite honestly you don’t have to. This is a way for me to maintain some momentum: if I at least think people are reading, I will feel somewhat accountable and hopefully make some effort towards forward momentum. And for those of you on similar journeys, hopefully this blog will serve as encouragement. Also, you can laugh at the haphazardness of it all. Just wait; we’re getting chickens in the spring and you should see my first attempt at knitting.

I am going to try and post once a week. Although I have to admit, it being winter I have a few cheater topics that I am going to use, even though it may be something we have already begun to put into practice since we moved or Levi was born. Please enjoy and have a few laughs along the way.