Monday, March 7, 2016


We made sushi for dinner this week! It was so easy, and tasted great.

I have been wanting to try and make out own sushi for a while.  Little Man loves it, and really how hard can it be?  Turns out it was pretty easy once we bought the bamboo mat to roll it with.  We just need to perfect our form a little. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Ice Castle-Lincoln, NH

Last year we made a really big mistake; we went to an ice castle in Vermont instead of the really cool one in Lincoln, NH.  While the lit up ice structure was cool, it was no where near as amazing as the one in Lincoln.  While we were unable to visit it at night, it is just as amazing during the day.  Actually you can take better pictures of it during the day (it was actually hard choosing only a few pictures to use) and the line to get in and for the ice slide are much shorter.
 When we first arrived; we were greeted by the frozen crew.  I am pretty sure had there not been a Kristoff character and I had not bribed him with a stop at Chutters, I would not have gotten this picture.
 This castle just has amazing little touches like a fountain in the middle of one of the courtyards. 
 Of course there are also several tunnels you can crawl through.  For one of them you crawl through the tunnel, walk up this pretty cool ice staircase, followed by a slide down a very fast ice tunnel.  My mother and Little Man picked up enough speed that they both banked the wall at the exit.  It was pretty amazing.
 Of course the best part of going to the one in New Hampshire is that it is near Grandma's house.