Monday, April 28, 2014

Venture Vermont

Of all the things I have stumbled upon while living in Vermont; the Venture Vermont challenge through Vermont State Parks has been one of the best.  From April to October you have a score card in which you rack up points doing various tasks, from fishing to camping and everywhere in between.  As long as you are outdoors exploring your world, it is probably on the score card.  In a week and a half we already have 40 of the 250 points needed. And what, might you ask, are the points for?  When you have taken pictures of activities and mailed in the CD, you receive a state parks pass for the remainder of this year and all of next.  It is a wonderful way to enjoy the parks and have fun doing it, and once you have completed the first year it is free to get in the parks and do it all over again. 
Here are some of the things we have done so far: 
Climbed a rock.
 Made a list of the things we hear around us.
 Found a spotted salamander.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hiking Season

Hiking season has begun; kinda.  While people are encouraged to stay off the muddy trails as to not ruin them, there are still many low-lying hikes that are accessible.  Since I purchased my new hiking boots this season (I have been saving for them since Christmas) and vacation was this past week, it was time to get started. 
First up: a super short .3 mile hike with amazing views of Crawford Notch, New Hampshire.  It still had some snow on it, but all the little walking bridges, rocks to climb on and spectacular views make for an awesome hike with a six year old.  Little Man loved it and was ready to hike up Mt. Washington when we were done.  No joke he actually pointed it out on the way back to my Mom's.  It made for an awesome spring hike. 
 Hike number two actually ended up being on the paved handicap trail/bike path in Franconia Notch because the other trail was a little icy still.  Once again the Basin at the end made for a great hike and Little Man even got Papa to join us for the trip.  Although all the way there he kept telling us there was still going to be snow on the trail (he was right!) Thank goodness for the paved trail. 
 My new boots.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Best toy ever! This is how we spent our whole week. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Spring must be here; all Little Man wants to do is play baseball in the backyard.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


There is still snow on the ground outside, but there is some green inside!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Projects

It has been a long winter, and I am ready to relax in the backyard.  Since there is still snow in the backyard, we will take on some spring projectsinside.   First up on the agenda, repaint the table that lives between the Adirondack chairs.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Happiness is......