Sunday, September 25, 2011

From Scratch

Homemade ravioli with homemade ricotta cheese. Amazing!

That and little man had a lot of fun with the pasta tool.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


As you can see, we have been far too busy exploring the world around us to bother with the blog. Since it is raining for the second weekend in a row, I figured I have no excuse for not updating the blog. I have run out of indoor activities---and Little Man is supposed to be cleaning up the mess he made this morning in his room.
So where exactly have we been exploring? All over Vermont. We took this picture near my aunt's camp when we took the kayaks out. I wish I had been able to get a picture of the loons that swam under the kayak; but it is really hard to steer a kayak, take a picture and make sure the toddler on board doesn't flip us over in the process.

Please note the fact that Daddy's jeans are wet. After he had just finished telling Little Man not to get too close to the water, because the rocks are slippery, he fell in trying to get a zebra mussel out of the lake. Unfortunately they are an invasive species, but Little Man is now pointing out the mussels in the grocery store, so it was a good learning experience for him (and daddy!)

Mommy, on the other hand, will stick to the muddy marshland. I may get stuck but at least the only thing that is wet is my feet.

How about the garden, you ask. It's been rough...we have had blight, the rain washed out most of the nutrients in the soil(we found out the hard way that raised beds are not always the way to go), but we have had enough grow for Little Man to enjoy the experience.

Someone needs to tell that boy not to pick the small carrots. Oh well that is why he has his own garden.

I know he is small, but he is a really cute caterpillar.

Don't expect much from me this fall, it is cross-country season and Little Man and I are going to spend our days running through the woods.