Saturday, July 30, 2011

kinderGARDEN-Rainbow Scavenger Hunt

The kindergarden challenge this week was to look for as many colors in the garden as we could find. I tried to have Little Man take all the pictures, but after about 20 like this, we decided that Mommy should take the pictures while Little Man pointed the items out.


(Note: the rain jacket with no rain)


(Our chickens are apparently camera shy, it took me 20 minutes to get this picture)




(This particular lupine is a little behind; all of the rest bloomed in the spring)




We did find Gray!

(This guy has lived in this tree since we moved in)

Brown (Little Man felt the need to take a picture of this guy)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crazy Summer

I feel like we have been running a marathon all summer; between conferences, family vacations, swim lessons, VBS and a family crisis, I am ready for a break. Thankfully, we have been able to enjoy some of what summer has to offer so far this summer.....

The beach of course (Thank you grandma)! Virginia Beach

Children's Garden, Camden, NJ

Yes, I made my family drive all over VA Beach looking for this place with fresh local peach pie. It was totally worth every bite.

And we got homemade peach ice cream to go with it.

It wouldn't be summer without my kayak.

The best part is we are only halfway through.

Monday, July 25, 2011

kinderGARDEN-Where have we been?

With everything going on this summer, I have to admit, I have somewhat slacked in my blogging. I figured I should update my kinderGARDEN posts if nothing else.

While we have been all over creation our gardens have been growing up a storm. However, we have had a few casualties. You see, Mommy apparently thought that Little Man would be able to just go and pick his vegetables without assistance on the first try.

Thank goodness he has his own garden to play in (yep, he pulled the whole plant up).