Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happiness is......

What comes from my garden!

And when my hubby finally updates his blog (he makes me laugh).

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Home Sweet Home

One of my aunts often refers to Camel's Hump in Vermont as "her" mountain and often talks about how she likes to travel, but can't wait to be home. Last week we were away visiting family in Virginia, and while I'll admit we had a great time, and I loved seeing all of them, I could not wait to be home. Thankfully my husband was at home carefully documenting what I was missing.

There is just something about Vermont and the other New England (I grew up in the White Mountains) states that is just different. As you travel north, you slowly feel all the stress and tension going away and begin to enjoy the beautiful scenery around you. And then at some point you leave the Interstate (there are not many places in northern New England right off the highway) and begin to meander through beautiful secondary roads. Of course all that said, what I really missed was in my back yard.

I have worked very hard to get my garden into shape (and probably have one more summer to go before I can begin to truly play in it) and this time of year by far has the most "fireworks".

Then of course there is my sad vegetable garden. While sad, I still love it. And I missed it very much

And so did little man.

And with that, I happily declared to my husband that I would not be leaving New England -and possibly Vermont- again during the month of August (I have weirdly enough also declared this about February, the coldest month in Vermont).